Mrs. R. Jeyam
Assistant Professor

Educational QualificationsM.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil.(Maths)., NET(EDUCATION), Ph.D(EDUCA-TION - Pursuing)

Department of Pedagogical Sciences (Faculty of Education)
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)
Dayalbagh, Agra – 282005 (U.P) India
Tel.: 7895478603 
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Mrs R. Jeyam has been working as Assistant Professor in Department of Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Education, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) Agra. She has published few research papers in various national and international journals. She has participated in 12 National and International Conferences / Workshops / Short Term Training Programmes and Orientation Programme. She has received the Young System Scientist Award for Best Paper Presentation in PARITANTRA- 2011, Fourth Indian Students System Conference, D.E.I – Dayalbagh Chapter of Systems Society of India. She is presently the Co-ordinator of “Digital Life” (IoE – Research Division) and is associated with Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Education established under the School of Education project of MHRD.

Teaching Assignments

Odd Semester:

  • EDM 104, ( B.Ed Sem 1 ) Epistemological And Sociological Perspectives Of Education
  • EDM 505, ( M.Ed Sem I ) Communication Skills, Expository  & Academic Writing
  • EDM 507, ( M.Ed Sem I )Self Study/Term Paper
  • EDM 710, ( M.Ed Sem III )Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In India
  • EDM 303, ( B.Ed Sem IIISchool Internship Iii Online Teaching
  • EDC 373, ( B.Ed Sem III ) Educational Handwork
  • EDM 301, ( B.Ed Sem III)School Internship Ii Academics
  • EDM 302, ( M.Ed Sem III ) School Internship Ii Admin. & Other Exp..
  • EDM 704, Self Study Term Paper

Even Semester :

  • EDC 271, ( B.Ed Sem II ) Games And Sports
  • EDM 202,(B.Ed Sem II)Assessment For Learning
  • DED 205 (D.El.Ed Sem II) Pedagogy of Maths (Upper Primary)
  • EDM 401, ( B.Ed Sem Iv )Creating An Inclusive Classroom
  • EDM 214, ( B.Ed Sem II) Pedagogy Of Teaching Mathematics
  • EDM 217, ( B.Ed Sem II ) Pedagogy Of Teachings Science
  • EDM 606, ( M.Ed Sem II) Dissertation-II

Area(s) of Research

  • Teaching of Mathematics, ICT in Teaching Learning, Innovative Teaching Practices, Digital pedagogy

Research Interests:

  • Ethenomathematics, Usage of ICT in Online Teaching, Pedagogy of Mathematics


Honors and Recognitions

  • Young System Scientist Award for Best Paper Presentation in PARITANTRA- 2011, Fourth Indian Students System Conference, D.E.I – Dayalbagh Chapter of Systems Society  of India
  • Teaching Experience : Around 11 years
  • Projects (Major Grants / Collaborations) – Co-ordinator, “Digital Life” (IoE – Research Division) – Grant sanctioned 49 Lakhs under UGC Plan Capital Assets in year 2018.

Selected Publications

For papers in Journals:

  • Jeyam, R. Implementation strategies of pedagogy in making effective e-learning practices. Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT), Volume3, Issue 1: January-March, 2016, p-ISSN: 2393-9907, e-SSN: 2393-9915, pp 53-56.
  • Jeyam, R.  A comparative study of the effect of television violence on the academic achievement of regular and non-regular television viewers.  DEI FOERA, Fifth Annual Issue: January, 2012, ISSN 0974 – 7966.
  • Jeyam, R.  Mathematically Gifted Children – The Gifted Traits, Developmental Brain Characteristics and The Educational Implications. PARITANTRA- 2011, Fourth Indian Students System Conference, D.E.I – Dayalbagh Chapter of Systems Society of India