
One-Day Workshop on IPR- Intellectual Property Rights/ Copyrights [Sponsored by Council of Science and Technology (CST-UP) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India]

One-Day Workshop on IPR- Intellectual Property Rights/ Copyrights

[Sponsored by Council of Science and Technology (CST-UP)

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India]


Organized by Department of Footwear Technology, Faculty of Engineering

Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)

Dayalbagh, Agra-282005, India

Venue- International Seminar Hall, Dayalbagh, Agra

February 03, 2024 (Saturday)







A One-Day Workshop entitled "IPR: Intellectual Property Rights and Copyrights" took place on February 3, 2024, at the International Seminar Hall, Dayalbagh, Agra. The event was coordinated by the Department of Footwear Technology, Faculty of Engineering at Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Dayalbagh, Agra-282005, India.



Prof. D.K.Chaturvedi along with Distinguished Speakers

The workshop started at 10:00 a.m. with the Lighting of the lamp by distinguished speakers along with Prof. D.K.Chaturvedi followed by University Prayer.

Lighting of the lamp


University Prayer sung by students


The formal session of the programme commenced at 10:15 am and was inaugurated by Professor D.K. Chaturvedi, Head of the Department of Footwear Technology. In his opening address, he delivered the Welcome and Introduction speech, providing a concise overview of the Intellectual Property Rights/Copyrights (IPR) workshop.




In today's interconnected world, intellectual property rights play a pivotal role in shaping the international trade landscape of every nation. The significance of IPR extends far beyond the mere safeguarding of intellectual creations. It serves as a potent catalyst for economic growth, fueling creativity and innovation, fostering revenue generation, stimulating investment, enriching culture, curbing brain drain, and nurturing overall economic vitality. Virtually every facet of economic and cultural life is influenced by IPR, making workshops like this crucial.


This IPR workshop offered a unique opportunity for scientists, engineers, educators, and students to deepen their understanding of intellectual property and patents. Its primary goal was to instill foundational IPR awareness among teachers, student teachers, and aspiring intellectuals, highlighting the advantageous aspects of patenting their inventive and original ideas and creations. Such awareness is instrumental in fostering creativity, nurturing research talent, driving technological advancements, and facilitating market applications.





Anchoring by B.Tech. students




Session-I by Mrs. Pooja Kumar


The First Technical Session commenced at 10:50 a.m. with Mrs. Pooja Kumar, Founder and CEO of Innove Intellects LLP, New Delhi, delivering a presentation on the topic- "National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM)." During her session, she

elucidated the nature of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), delved into major IPR segments, discussed the IP Law of India, and provided insights on copyrights, patents, and related matters.


Mrs. Kumar's presentation was highly informative, offering students a firsthand understanding of IPR. An engaging quiz conducted at the end of the session served to gauge participants' comprehension. Additionally, students were furnished with a booklet containing comprehensive details of the topics covered by the resource persons.


The Second Technical Session commenced at 11:50 a.m., focusing on "Patents Awareness," led by Mr. Shubham Ratnam, Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs at the Patent Office in New Delhi. Mr. Ratnam provided comprehensive insights into the intricacies of patent filing, including detailed explanations of various types of patent filing forms and strategies for expediting the patent application process. He also shed light on the fee structure associated with patent filing and the necessity of obtaining approval from the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) when utilizing biological materials.



Moreover, Mr. Ratnam elucidated on the criteria distinguishing patentable from non-patentable subject matter. The session was highly informative, with Mr. Ratnam effectively simplifying the complexities of the patent filing process, making it engaging and understandable for all participants, who found the session immensely enjoyable.



Session-II by Mr. Shubham Ratnam


The Third Technical Session of the Workshop commenced at 1:30 p.m., focusing on the topic "Intellectual Property Right: Patents," led by Dr. Arunesh Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.


Dr. Singh elaborated on the significance of patents and the crucial role of patent documents. Drawing from his own life experiences, he shared anecdotes about individuals who sought his assistance in protecting their creations.


Additionally, Dr. Singh provided valuable guidance on conducting patent searches and navigating the process of applying for national and international patents online. His session offered practical insights into the world of patents, empowering participants with knowledge and tools to safeguard their intellectual property rights effectively. 


 Session-III by Dr. Arunesh Kumar Singh


Felicitation of Guests by Prof. D.K.Chaturvedi


  1. 1.      Mrs. Pooja Kumar


  1. 2.      Mr. Shubham Ratnam




  1. 3.      Dr. Arunesh Kumar Singh




  1. 4.      Prof. Rahul Swaroop Sharma




The concluding session of the Workshop commenced at 2:00 p.m., featuring the topic "Patents" presented by Prof. Rahul Swaroop Sharma, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra. Prof. Sharma imparted his brilliant insights on the art of drafting patents, emphasizing the importance of patent

 drawings, and encouraged students to explore this field further. Through his presentation, Prof. Sharma motivated attendees to engage in innovative thinking and consider the potential of patenting their ideas.


Final Session by Prof. Rahul Swaroop Sharma



Vote of thanks by Dr. Atul Dayal




Faculty members along with distinguished speakers




The session ended with the University Song and National Anthem.


Acknowledgement- Our Institute is indebted to CST-UP for their constant support in conducting such activities and looks forward to their support in future as well.












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