Administrative Overview

The Institute is administered by the following authorities and officers:

Head of the Institute:

President : Shri Gur Saroop Sood  IDAS(Retd.)


The General Body (Sponsoring Society)

List of Members of Planning & Monitoring Board

The Governing Body (Board of Management )

The Academic Council


The Finance Committee

The Managing Council for Non-University Technical Educational Institutions

The Managing Council for Non-University General Educational Institutions


Officers :

Director    : Prof. C Patvardhan

Treasurer : Smt. Sneh Bijlani

Registrar  : Prof. Anand Mohan


Administrative Officer (Computers)   : Sh. Hans Kumar Khanna

Assistant Registrar (Administration)  : Vacant

Assistant Registrar (Academic)         : Vacant

Assistant Registrar (Accounts)          : Vacant

Assistant Registrar (Education)         : Shri Gur Sewak Singh


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Administrative Divisions


Oversees all phases of DEI's academic, financial, and capital planning, as well as the administration and management of campus resources.


Serves the campus in academics, courses of studies, academic calendar planning, examination management, and research degree program.

Human Resources

Oversees the affairs of staff, leave, salaries, promotions and recruitment.

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Prof.  Prem Kumar Kalra
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)
Educational Qualifications: Ph.D.  (1987,  University Manitoba, Canada), M.E/M.Tech/MS  (1982,  IIT Kanpur)


Research Interest:
Power Systems, Expert Systems, HVDC Transmission, Deregulated Power System, Educational Paradigms, Data Mining, Fuzzy Logic System, Neural Networks, Computational Neuroscience Image Processing Independent Component Analysis & Blind Source Separation, KARMAA (Knowledge Acquisition, Retention, Management, Assimilation & Application).

Duration Institute Nature Of Work Done

September 2013 to date

DEI (Deemed to be University)

Director, DEI

May 2009- May 2013

I.I.T. Jodhpur

Director, IIT Jodhpur

May 1997 - April 2009

I.I.T. Kanpur, India

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

Jul 1995 - Jun 1996

DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra, India.

Visiting Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

Mar 1993 - May 1997

IIT, Kanpur, India.

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

Sep 1988 - Mar 1993

IIT, Kanpur, India.

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

Jul 1988 - Aug 1988

University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

Jan 1987 - Jun 1988

Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA.

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

Jun 1983 - Dec 1986

University of Manitoba, Canada

Research and/or Teaching Assistant with Electrical Engineering Department

Jan 1982 - May 1983

DEI University, Agra, India .

Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering

Jan 1981 - Jul 1981

IIT, Kanpur, India .

Teaching Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering

Feb 1980 - Dec 1980

IIT, Kanpur, India

Research Assistant with Department of Electrical Engineering

Nov 1978 - Jul 1979

DEI University, Agra, India

Teaching Assistant with Department of Electrical Engineering

ET NOW National Education Leadership Award 2013.

TATA RAO MEDAL for best paper in year 2000 “Load Forecasting Using Neural Network”, published in Institution of Engineers India.

Best paper award for year 2000 by Indian Institute of Metals, India

  • Co-Chairperson, Interview Board , Recruitment and Assessment of scientists in DRDO
  • Member, General Council, National Law University 2011-2014
  • Chariman, Board of Governors, Engineering College of Bikaner
  • Senate Nominee, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur
  • Board Member , IIT Kharagpur 2007-2010
  • Head, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, 2006-2008
  • Dean, Resource Planning & Generation, IIT Kanpur from Dec. 2001- Jan. 2005
  • Member, Board of the National Brain Research Centre, Gurgaon
  • Member, Academic Council, National Brain Research Centre, Gurgaon
  • Member, Academic Council, Delhi University, Delhi
  • Member, Academic Council, TERI University, Delhi
  • Member, Academic Council, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra
  • Chairman, Senate Scholarships & Prize Committee, IIT Kanpur
  • Chairman, Students’  Placement Committee, IIT Kanpur
  • Chairman, Commercial Establishment Monitoring & Management Committee, IIT Kanpur
  • Coordinator, Information Cell, IIT Kanpur
  • Chairman, Telephone Advisory Committee, IIT Kanpur
  • Chairman, Visitors’ Hostel Management Committee, IIT Kanpur
  • Head, Cable Network, IIT Kanpur
  • Member Institute Research Committee
  • Member of Department Fund Raising Committee
  • Secretary IEEE UP Section

Ramanujam Memorial Lecture “For National Systems Society”. This lecture is funded by IIT,Kanpur.

Eta Kappa Nu, USA

Instituteof Engineers, India

IETE Fellow

IEEE Senior Member (1991)

Membership of Committees (representative list)

Chairman, Tutorial of International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth (PEDES’96), (January 8-11, 1996) at Delhi.

Chairman, Exhibition of International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth (PEDES’96), (January 8-11, 1996) at Delhi.

Member, Advisory Committee for system Design & Simulation workshop, organized by IEEE and DEI.

Technical Committee Member for National Conference on Neural Network, Anna University, Madras.

Member, Board of Studies, DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra.

Member, Technical Advisory Committee for MAEC RDSO.

Member, Technical Review Committee NPSC.

Member, Core Group for IFRA’96.

Served as Member of Editorial Board of PARITANTRA Journal of System Society of India.

Program Committee Member of National conference on Neural Network & Fuzzy Systems Anna University, (March 16-18, 1995).

Member, Technical Committee of sixth ISCA International Conference held in US from (October 14-16, 1993).

Served as Member of Advisory Board for International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, (June 1991), Edinborough, U.K.

Executive Member of System Society of India.

Member of Program Committee for National Conference on Artificial Neural Network and its Applications (October 97).

Member, Technical Committee for National Conference of Electric Drives and Control for Transport Systems (January 16-18, 1997).

Member, Technical Committee for National Systems Conference (NCS 94) held at DEI, Agra, (January 14-16, 1995).

Power Systems,

HVDC Transmission,

Educational Paradigms,

Fuzzy Logic System,

Computational Neuroscience,

Independent Component Analysis & Blind Source Separation,

Expert Systems,

Deregulated Power System,

Data Mining,

Neural Networks,

Image Processing

KARMAA (Knowledge Acquisition, Retention, Management, Assimilation & Application)

Prof. Kalra’s role in providing neural network based solutions for engineering problems has been well recognized . Some of them are enumerated below:

  • Formulating new and efficient lube oil for Indian Oil Corporation (IOC),a problem for which the IOC R&D was struggling for 8 years.Specifying conditions which double the lining life of LD converters for steel making.Development of a software simulation tool for reducing the testing time for sensors for ISRO.Development of algorithms for separation of “Several Overlapping Fingerprints”, audio separation and image enhancement. Separation and compression software for the investigative /security agencies.Presently, Prof. Kalra is working on a project with TIFAC for the development of a product for testing and quality control of auto components (engine, silencer etc.) based on implementation of his audio separation algorithm

Prof. Kalra’s research in neuron modeling has helped formulation of major policies in the following areas:

  • Developed the Electricity transmission Pricing Model for Electricity Regulatory Commission in Uttar Pradesh.

  • Cost to serve tariff model for Bangalore Electricity Distribution Company, which is now being implemented by other Electricity Distribution Companies in Karnataka.

  • Power trading conceptualization and software development for National Commodity and Derivative Exchange (NCDEX).

  • Pioneering and coordinating the publication of “India Infrastructure Report” by IITK, IIMA, and IDFC, for providing innovative policy inputs to planners in the infrastructure sectors such as power, telecommunication, transport etc.

Initiated, coordinated and implemented the e-classroom project for satellite-based, online knowledge sharing between IITK and engineering colleges in Chhattisgarh.

Indo-French Cyber University has been setup between IITK and University of Paris VI and would be extended to three-four locations.

Pilot project on Land Records Decision Making, Data Sharing and work flow based integration (Linking from Patwari to the Secretary of Department) has been implemented in Chhattisgarh.

E-Governance software test-bed has been created and implemented in Chhattisgarh.

A number of projects funded by various agencies have been successfully completed in the area of power system, audio and images

Linear Controls, Power Systems Analysis, Digital Controls, Linear Circuits, Electronic Circuits, Power Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Process Control, Numerical Analysis, HVDC Transmission, Neural Networks, Digital Simulation of Power Systems, Fuzzy Systems and Its Applications, Power System Dynamics, Data Mining, Neuro-informatics, Computational Neuroscience.

New Courses Developed

Management of Uncertainties in Intelligent Systems (1995)

Fuzzy Systems & Its Applications (1994)

Data Mining (2001)

Computational Neuroscience (2005)

His major contribution is in the research and development of new generalized neuron models. A major bottleneck in the application of Neural Networks is the requirement of large amounts of consistent data. Algorithms developed by Prof. Kalra’s group have decreased the data requirement for modeling applications by 50% and drastically reduced the total training/learning time.

The unique aspect of his research has been the application of neural network to solve problems in the domain of Aerospace, Civil, Metallurgy, Computer Science, Physics, and Electrical Engineering.

He has supervised more than 20 Doctoral students and more than 50 Master’s students .He has published more than 60 International and national journal papers and 100 publications in National and International Conferences.

He has been a pioneer in the application of Artificial Intelligence to power systems. This expertise has resulted in his advising several International Consulting firms in the areas of Fault Diagnosis and HVDC Controls.

He has Co-edited two books “Against the Current” Vol.-III and “Recent Trends in Applied Research”. Further he has contributed a chapter in “Against the Current” Vol.-I on preparedness of Electricity Boards for privatization. He has contributed in ADB Network in the area of Transmission Pricing compiled by TERI New Delhi.

Data Compression Techniques and its Application to E -Learning / Education, MCIT (2006-2008).

New Neuron Models for Improving Training Efficiency of Neural Networks, MHRD-(2005-2008)

Development of Independent Component Analysis based Blind Source Separation Algorithms for Audio/Image Separation, MCIT- (2005- 2007)

Modeling, Classification & Fault Detection of Sensors using Intelligent Methods, ISRO –(2004–2006)

Development of Methodologies for Extracting Information from the Neural-informatics Data, NBRC-2004.

Modeling of Human Perception Through Eye-Movement Metrics and Visual-Motor Control, MHRD-(2004-2007)

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for IISU, ISRO-2003

Data mining Applications for Power System in Deregulated Environment, MHRD (2002- 2004)

Development of Interface and R&D Projects, KVIC- (2002- 2004)

Neural Network base Orbital Parameter Determination for Satellite, ISRO-(2001-2003)

Applications of KARMMA, ISRO- (2000-2003)

Development of General Purpose Neural Networks Software as applied to Fracture Mechanics, Earthquake Engineering, Miniature Samples Test Data and Other Reactor Application, BRNS, BARC- (2000-2004)

IDFC, 3i Network for Power, Telecommunication and Transportation Infrastructure.(1997-2002)

Expert System Application to Electric Power System - Reactive Power Dispatch, DST- (1991-1993)

Neural Net Applications to State Estimation of Power System, CSIR- (1992-1993)

Neural Net Applications to Weather Prediction,  DST- (1992-1995)

Expert System Application to Power System Security: Voltage Problem, CBIP (1993-1995)

Genetic Algorithms Simulator and Its Applications to “Power System Problems”, CSIR- (1993-95)

Coordinator for the Project Research and Development and Manpower Training in HVDC Transmission Technology (1989-1990)

Artificial Intelligence Application; Engineering Experimentation Station, Montana State University, July 1987-June 1988.

Development of Power Electronic Laboratory and Application of Expert System to System, Montana State University, July 1987-June 1988.

Development of Power Electronic Laboratory and Curriculum: Engineering Experimentation Station, Montana State University, September 1986-June 1987

Development of Cost to Serve (CoS) MODEL for BESCOM, Bangalore, BESCOM, 2005

Power Trading for NTPC with CRISIL, Mumbai(2005)

Training and advising to PA Consultancy, USA, on distribution companies(2004)***

Development of Application for Printing of MAPS, CHIPS, Raipur, 2004

Training needs of electrical distribution companies, IIE-2004

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu - Andhra Pradesh Transmission Corporation Ltd. APTransco- 2004

APTECH Ltd. Mumbai- Data to Decision Simulation Tools, 2004

CHiPS, Chhattisgarh, Distance Education & Knowledge Sharing Program, 2004

Development of Artificial Intelligence Driver Knowledge Base, IOC-(2001- 2004)

SAIL, Implementation of Wear Rate Prediction Model for Refectory in LD Converter (1996)

SAIL, Study of Effect of Operating Condition and Brick Properties on Wear Rate of Refectory of BOF through Modeling(1998-2000)

SAIL, Galvanizing Process Modeling using Neural Network(2000)

UPERC, Transmission Tariff and Wheeling Changes(2002)

EIL, Neural Networks for Petro-Chemical Applications

India Infrastructure Report (1999)

IDFC, Power Transmission Pricing (2000-2002).

IDFC, Environment Impact Assessment for (2000-2002), Thermal Power Plant

IDFC, Website Development and Maintenance.

UPSEB, Power System Simulation, 1991-1992.

CMC, Expert System for Electric Energy Management Systems, 1991.

Under negotiation:

Availability-Based Tariff Implementation Software (UPERC)

Inter-regional Transmission Pricing (USAID)

Distribution loss Minimization (KESCO)

Neural Network Simulator

System Modeling using Intelligent Approaches

Load Forecasting and Transmission Dispatch

Computation Of Emissions from Thermal Power Plants

Software Development in progress

Power Quality and Consumer Training

Reactive Power Pricing


Qualitative Reasoning Tools

Sensors’ Life Prediction

Artifact Removal in Brain Signals

Sensors’ Classification & Modeling

Audio and Image Segregation

Figure print Recognition

Editor-in-Chief “Recent Trends in Applied Research, 1993”, published by     Allied Publisher (1993)

Power Systems Analysis and Integrated Operation of Power System (ISTE).

PC Application in Electric Power System Analysis (ISTE).

Principal of Expert System and Its Applications to Electric Power System (ISTE)

Power Reform: Technical and Financial Vol.-I, Vol.-II (To be Published by July 2005)

Refereed Journals

Gupta Neeraj; Shekhar Rajiv; Kalra Prem Kumar , “Congestion management based roulette wheel simulation for optimal capacity selection: Probabilistic transmission expansion planning”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 43, No.  1, pp.1259-1266, 2012.

Prakash Om; Singh, Vrijendra; Kalra, Prem Kumar , “Signature extraction from acoustic signals and its application for ANN based engine fault diagnosis”, International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 220-226, 2012

Tripathi, Bipin Kumar; Kalra Prem Kumar, “On Efficient Learning Machine with Root-Power Mean Neuron in Complex Domain”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, IEEE, Vol. 22, No. 5, PP.727-738, 2011

Yadav Sandeep Kumar; Tyagi, Kanishka; Shah, Brijeshkumar; Kalra, Prem Kumar “Audio signature-based condition monitoring of internal combustion engine using FFT and correlation approach “ , IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE,  Vol.60, No.4, PP. 1217-1226 , 2011

Tripathi, Bipin K; Kalra, Prem K “On the learning machine for three dimensional mapping”, Springer London , Vol.20, No. 1, PP.105-111, 2011

Tripathi, Bipin K; Chandra, B; Singh, Menakshi; Kalra, Prem K “Complex generalized-mean neuron model and its applications” Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier,Vol.11, no.1 PP.768-777,2011

Yadav, SK; Tyagi, K; Shah, B; Kalra, PK “Mechatronics, Industrial Applications, and Robotics-Audio Signature-Based Condition Monitoring of Internal Combustion Engine “,, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE ,Vol. 60  ,no. 4 ,  PP 1217

Shiblee, Md; Chandra, B; Kalra, PK “Learning of geometric mean neuron model using resilient propagation algorithm “,Pergamon, Vol.  37, no.12, pp. 7449-7455, 2010

Mohanalin, J; Kalra, PK; Kumar, Nirmal “A Simple Region Growing Technique for Extraction of ROI from Mammograms “, The IUP Journal of Systems Management , Vol. 8   ,no. 4  ,pp.56-62,2010

Kalra, Prem Kumar; Kumar, Nirmal “An automatic image registration scheme using Tsallis entropy “Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier, Vol .5 , no. 4,  pp. 328-335, 2010

Kalra, Prem Kumar; Kumar, Nirmal “A novel automatic micro calcification detection technique using Tsallis entropy & a type II fuzzy index” , Computers & Mathematics with Applications , Pergamon,vol.60 ,  no.8 , pp. 2426-2432,2010

Tripathi, Bipin Kumar; Kalra, Prem K “The novel aggregation function-based neuron models in complex domain “Soft Computing-A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications , Springer Berlin/Heidelberg , Vol.14  , no.10 ,pp. 1069-1081, 2010

Tolambiya, Arvind; Kalra, Prem K “Relevance vector machine with adaptive wavelet kernels for efficient image coding”, Neurocomputing , Elsevier , Vol. 73 , no.7 , pp1417-1424, 2010

Kalra, Prem Kumar; Kumar, Nirmal “An automatic method to enhance microcalcifications using Normalized Tsallis entropy” , Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol.90 , no.3 , pp 952-958, 2010

Tripathi, B; Kalra, P “High Dimensional Neural Networks and Applications”, Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Springer, PP. 215-233, 2010

Tolambiya, Arvind; Venkatraman, S; Kalra, Prem K “Content-based image classification with wavelet relevance vector machines “, Soft Computing-A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, Springer, Vol. 14 , no.2 , pp. 129-136 ,2010.

Yadav, Sandeep; Kalra, Prem “Condition Monitoring of Internal Combustion Engine Using EMD and HMM” , Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Springer, pp. 167-185, 2010

Mohanalin, J; Kalra, PK; Kumar, Nirmal “Microcalcification Segmentation Using Normalized Tsallis Entropy: An Automatic" q" Calculation by Exploiting Type II Fuzzy Sets”, IETE Journal of Research, Medknow Publications, vol.55 , no.2 , pp. 90 ,2009

Shiblee, Md; Chandra, B; Kalra, P “New Neuron Model for Blind Source Separation”, Advances in Neuro-Information Processing, Springer, pp. 27-36,2009

Gangal, Anita S; Kalra, PK; Chauhan, DS “Inversion of complex valued neural networks using complex back-propagation algorithm”, Int. J. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ,vol.3, no.1, pp.1-8,2009

Singh, Archana; Kalra, PK; Chauhan, DS “ A novel procurement market model approach of reactive power in deregulated electricity market “, IJRTE, Vol. 2, no. 5, 2009

Tripathi, B; Chandra, B; Kalra, P “The generalized product neuron model in complex domain”, Advances in Neuro-Information Processing, Springer ,pp. 867-876,2009

Shiblee, Md; Kalra, P; Chandra, B “Time series prediction with multilayer perceptron (MLP): a new generalized error based approach “,Advances in Neuro-Information Processing, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 37-44, 2009

Mohanalin, J; Kalra, PK; Kumar, Nirmal “Tsallis entropy based microcalcification segmentation”, ICGST-GVIP Journal,2009

Deepak Mishra, Abhishek Yadav, Sudipta Ray and Prem K. Kalra, “Artificial Neural Network Type Learning with Single Multiplicative Spiking Neuron”, International Journal of Computers, Systems and Signals, vol. 8, no. 1, 2007.

K. V. Arya, P. Gupta, P. K. Kalra and P. Mitra, ”Image registration using robust M-estimators”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier, vol. 28, pp. 1957-1968, 2007.

Prem Kumar Kalra, Rajiv Shekhar and Deepak Mishra, “Neural Networks Applications in Finance – Part II ”, Indian Journal of Capital Market, Vol. 1, Issue 21, pp. 30-38, July – Sept. 2007.

Prem Kumar Kalra, Rajiv Shekhar and Deepak Mishra, “Application of Neural Network in the Stock Market”, Indian Journal of Capital Market, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 6-13, April-June 2007.

Mishra, D., and P.K. Kalra, “Modified Hopfield Neural Network Approach for Solving Nonlinear Algebraic Equations”, Engineering Letters on Soft Computing in Artificial Intelligence, Data and Web Mining, Machine Learning.(Part I), vol. 14, no. 1, pp. EL_14_1_23, 2007.

Yadav, A., Mishra, D., Ray, S., Yadav, R.N. and Kalra, P.K., “Time-Series Prediction with Single Integrate-and-Fire Neuron”, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 739-745, 2007.

R.N. Yadav, P.K. Kalra, J. John, "Time series prediction with single multiplicative neuron model", Applied Soft Computing vol. 7, Issue 4, pp.1157-1163, Aug. 2007.

Mishra D., Yadav A., Ray S. and P. K. Kalra, "A Learning Algorithm for a  Novel Neural Network Architecture Motivated by Integrate-And-Fire Neuron Model," Neural Network World, pp. vol. 16, pp. 513-532, 2006.

Mishra, D., Amit Shukla, and P.K. Kalra, “OR-Neuron Based Hopfield Neural Network for Solving Economic Load Dispatch Problem”, Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews, pp. 249-259, 2006.

R.N.Yadav, P.K. Kalra and J. John, “On the use of multiplicative neuron in feed forward neural networks”, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation,  DOI: 10.2316/Journal.205.2006.4.205-4384, 2006.

R.N.Yadav, P.K. Kalra and J. John, “Learning with generalized-mean based neuron model”, Neurocomputing J., Neurocomputing Vol. 69, pp. 2026–2032, 2006.

Mishra, D., Yadav, A., Ray, S., and P.K. Kalra, “Controlling Synchronization of Modified FitzHugh-Nagumo Neurons under External Electrical Stimulation”, NeuroQuantology, Vol. 4, No 1, pp. 50-67, 2006.

Mishra, D., A. Yadav, and P.K. Kalra, “A Novel Multiplicative Neural Network Architecture Motivated by Spiking Neuron Model”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, vol.  86, pp. 465–479, Sept.–Oct. 2006.

R.N.Yadav, P.K. Kalra and J. John, “Neural network learning with generalized-mean based neuron model”, Soft Computing J., Soft Computing, Vol. 10, pp. 257–263, 2006.

Mishra, D., A. Yadav, S. Ray, and P.K. Kalra, “Levenberg-Marquardt             Learning Algorithm for Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Model”, Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews, Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 41-51, November 2005.          

Gunjan Gupta, R.N.Yadav, P.K. Kalra and Joseph John, “Modeling with recurrent neural networks using compensatory neuron model”, Neural Information Processing-Letters and Reviews, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 69-78, 2005.

Gunjan Gupta, R. N. Yadav, Prem K. Kalra and J. John, “Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks using Generalized Mean Neuron Model”, Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 49–56, September 2005

Saravana Kumar G., Kalra P. K. and Dhande S. G., Hybrid Computation using ANN, GA and Classical Optimization for B-spline Curve and Surface Fitting, Int. J. Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 176-188. ISSN 448-5869, 2004.

Saravana Kumar G., Kalra P. K. and Dhande S. G., Direct Layered Manufacturing of Point Sampled Geometry, Int. J. Manufacturing Technology & Management, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 534-549, 2004.

Saravana Kumar G., Kalra P. K. and Dhande S. G., Curve and surface reconstruction from points: an approach based on Self-Organizing Maps, Applied Soft Computing Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 5, pp. 55-66, 2004.

Chaturvedi DK, Malik OP & Kalra PK, Performance of a generalized neuron-based PSS in a multi-machine power system, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 19, Issue: 3, pp. 625 - 632, Sept. 2004.

Chaturvedi DK, Malik OP & Kalra PK, Experimental studies with a generalized neuron - based power system stabilizer, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 19, Issue:3, pp.1445 - 1453, Aug. 2004.

Chaturvedi DK, Malik OP & Kalra PK, Generalized Neuron - based Adaptive Power System Stabilizer, IEE Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol.151, Issue: 2, pp. 213 - 218, March 2004.

Man Mohan, Chaturvedi DK, Satsangi PS & Kalra PK, Neuro-fuzzy approach for development of new neuron model,  Soft Computing, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Vol. 8, Number 1, pp. 19-27, (2003).

Chaturvedi DK, Man Mohan, Ravindra K. Singh & Kalra PK, Improved Generalized Neuron Model for Short Term Load Forecasting, Soft Computing, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Vol. 8, Number 1, pp. 10-18, (2003).

Man Mohan, Chaturvedi DK & Kalra PK, Short Term Load Forecasting Using New Neuro-Fuzzy Approach, Communicated to Int. J. of Electrical Power Component and Devices.

Man Mohan, Chaturvedi DK & Kalra PK, Development Of New Neuron Structure For Short Term Load Forecasting, Communicated to Int. J. of Modeling and Simulation.

Chaturvedi DK, Malik OP & Kalra PK, Generalized Neuron based Power System Stabilizer, Int. J. of Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2004.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Ramawadh Chauhan & Kalra, P.K, (2002), Applications of Generalised Neural Network for Aircraft Landing Control System, Int. J. on Soft Computing, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 6, No. 6, Sept. 2002, pp. 441-448.

D.K.Chaturvedi, Man Mohan and P.K.Kalra, (2002), “Development of Flexible Neural Network”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), CP, Vol. 83, May 2002.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Satsangi P.S., Kalra, P.K., (2001), Fuzzified Neural Network Approach for Load Forecasting Problems, Int. J. on Engineering Intelligent Systems, CRL Publishing, U.K., Vol. 9, No. 1, March 2001, pp.3-9.

K Madhava Krishna and Prem K Kalra (2001), Solving the Local Minima Problem for a Mobile Robot by Classification of Spatio-temporal Sensory Sequences, Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol. 17, No. 10, pp 549-564, October 2000, John Wiley and Sons Publishers.

K Madhava Krishna and Prem K Kalra (2001), Perception and Remembrance of the Environment during Real-time Navigation for a Mobile Robot, to appear in Robotics and Autonomous Systems (in press), Elsevier publishers.

K Madhava Krishna and Prem K Kalra (2001), Detection Tracking and Avoidance of Multiple Dynamic Objects, to appear in Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Kluwer Academic.

K Madhava Krishna and Prem K Kalra (2001), When does the Robot Perceive a Dynamic Object, accepted for publication in Journal of Robotic Systems, John Wiley.

K Madhava Krishna and Prem K Kalra (2001), Spatial Understanding and Temporal Correlation for a Mobile Robot, accepted for publication in Spatial Cognition and Computation, Kluwer Academic.

Ratan Saini, P.K. Saxena and P.K. Kalra (2001), Internet enabled synergistic intelligent systems and their applications to efficient management of Operational Organizations Information Sciences, 127 (1-2), pp. 45-62.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Ram Kumar, Kalra P.K. (2001), Artificial Neural Network Learning Using Improved Genetic Algorithms, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), CP, Vol. 82, Nov. 2001, pp. 1-8.

Man Mohan, Chaturvedi DK & Kalra PK, Short-term load forecasting by Generalized neuron model, Accepted in J. of The Institution of Engineers (India), EL, Vol.

Chaturvedi DK, Malik OP & Kalra PK, Neural Network Controller for power System Stabilization, Communicated in J. of The Institution of Engineers (India), EL.

Sinha M, Kumar K, and Kalra PK, Some New Neural Network Architectures with Improved Learning Schemes, Soft Computing Journal, Vol. 4, Issue:4, Dec. 2000.

Sinha M., Kalra P.K., Kumar K., (April 2000), Parameter Estimation using Compensatory Neural Network, published in Sadhana (special issue on Neural Network).

Chaturvedi, D.K., Satsangi P.S., and Kalra P.K. (1999), Load Frequency Control: A Generalized Neural Network Approach, Int. J. on Electric Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science, Vol. 21, 1999, pp. 405-415.

Chaturvedi D.K., Satsangi P.S., Kalra P.K., (1999), Flexible Neural Network Models for Electrical Machines, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), EL, Vol. 80, pp.13-16.

Jain R.K., Jain V.K., and Kalra, P.K., (1999), Modeling of Abrasive Flow Machining Process: A neural net approach published in WEAR.

Chaturvedi D.K., Satsangi P.S., and Kalra, P.K., New Neural Models for Simulating Rotating Electrical Machines and Load Forecasting Problems, Int. J. on Electric Power System Research, Elsevier Science, Ireland, Vol. 52, pp.123-131, 1999.

Chaturvedi D.K., Satsangi P.S., Kalra P.K., (1999), Applications of Generalized Neural Network to Load Frequency Control Problem, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), EL, Vol. 80, pp. 41-47, Aug. 1999.

Chaturvedi D.K., Satsangi P.S., Kalra P.K., (1999), Development of Fuzzy Simulation for DC machine Modelling, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), EL, Vol. 80, Aug. 1999, pp. 53-58.

D.K. Chaturvedi. P.S. Satasangi and Kalra, P.K.,(1999), “Development and Comparison of New Neural Networks Models for Power System & Electric Machine Modeling” to Electric Power Research Journal.

Kalra, P.K., Mishra. A., Prabhakar, A., (July-Oct,1998), Fuzzy Filtering and Its Application, pp.237-242, vol.44, No. 4&5, paper accepted in Refereed Journal (special issue on Fuzzy Logic).

A.K. Ghosh. R.C., Raisinghani, P.K., Kalra, (Jan 1998), Two New Teaching for Aircraft Parameter Estimation unit on Neural Network, Journal of Guidance Control & Dynamics pp.25-30.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Satsangi P.S., and Kalra, P.K., (1998), Fuzzy Simulation Model of Basic Commutating Electrical Machines, Int. Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 225-236, Dec. 1998.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Satsangi P.S., and Kalra, P.K., (1998), “Fuzzy Simulation Model of a Basic Commutating Machine”, pp. 225-235, Vol.4 Eng. Intelligent System.

Kalra P.K. (Dec, 1997) “An Evaluation of Control Schemes for HVDC System Feeding Into Weak AC System”, Journal of Indian Institute Of Science pp. 535-554.

V.R. Kantekar, M.S. Dawande, P.K.Kalra, (Sept-Oct.1997), Performance of Artificially Commutated HVDC Converter, published in Journal of Indian Inst. of Science pp. 421-437.

D.K. Chaturvedi. P.S. Satasangi and Kalra P.K., (Aug.1997), Short Term Load Forecasting Using Generalized Neural Network Approach, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), EL, Vol. 78, Aug. 1997, pp. 83-87.

Chakravorty, N., Kalra, P.K., (Apr. 1995), Application of Newton-Raphson Method to Metallurgical Problem, Zeithfechrift fur Metall Kunde. Band 86, pp.245-252.

Singh S.N., Kalra P.K., Srivastava S.C., (1994), Novel Non-iterative Load-Flow for Voltage Contingency Analysis, Int. Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.16, No.1, pp.11-16.

Dutta, A., Deo B., Kalra, P.K., (1994), Adaptive Neural Net Model for Sulfurization for Hot Metal and Steel, Steel Research, Vol.65, pp.466-471.

Singh Gurmeet, Srivastava S.C., Kalra P.K., and Vinod Kumar, D.M., (Jan/Feb, 1994), Fast Approach to Artificial Neural Network Training Its Application to Economics Load Dispatch: Int. Journal of Electric Machines and Power Systems, Vol.23, No.1, pp.13-24.

Kalra P.K., Srivastava S.C. and Chaturvedi D.K., (1992), Possible Applications of Neural Nets to Power System Operation and Control, Int. J. of Power System Research, Vol. 25, 1992, pp. 83-90.

Srivastava K.N., Srivastava S.C., and Kalra P.K., (1992), Prediction of Voltage Collapse in Integrated AC-DC Network Using Singular Value Decomposition Concept, Electric Power System Research, Vol.28, pp. 111-122.

Kalra P.K., (July 1990), An Approach For Handling Non-Linearities in HVDC System, published in IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics Vol.5, No.3 pp. 317-377.

Donthi B., Leach H., and Kalra P.K., (1989), Application of Multiprocessors to Measurement Scheme for Power, Power Factor and Voltage & Current, published in Electric Power System Research Journal, Vol.16 No.2, and pp.113-118.

Kalra P.K., (1988), “Fault Diagnosis for HVDC Systems: A Feasibility Study for Expert Systems”, published in Electronic Power Systems Research Journal, Vol. 14, pp. 83-89.

Kalra P.K., (1988), “Application of Recent Controllers for HVDC Systems” published in Electric Power System Research Journal, Vol.14 No.3, and pp.169-182.

Sadighi Iraj, Kalra P.K., (1988), “Approaches for Updating Matrix Inverse for Control System Problems”, published in Electric Power System Research Journal, Vol.14 No.2, and pp.137-148.

Kalra P.K., (1987), “Feasibility Study of Expert System to Power System Control”, published in Electric Power Research Journal, Vol. 12, and pp. 124 - 130.

Kalra P.K., and Mathur R.M., (1987) “Primary Investigations for Application of Experts Systems for Power System Control”, published in Electric Power Systems and Electrical Machines Journal vol. 13, No.4, pp.267-273.

Kalra P.K., (1986), Generalized Steady - STATE Solution for Power Converters in Electric Machine and Power System Journal, Vol. 11, No.4, pp. 319-315.

Padiyar K.R. and Kalra P.K., (1986), Analysis of HVDC Converters with Smoothing Reactor, Part II: Twelve-pulse HVDC Converter, Electric Power Systems Research II, pp.171-182.

Padiyar K.R. and Kalra P.K., (1986), Analysis of HVDC Converters with Finite Smoothing Reactor, Part I: Analysis of Six-pulse Converter, Electric Power Systems Research II, pp.171-182.

Kalra P.K., (1986), Analysis of Six-pulse And Twelve-pulse Forced Commutated HVDC Converters, Canadian Electrical Engineering Journal, Vol. II, No. 3, pp. 104-109.

Kalra P.K., (1986), Harmonic Analysis of TCR under Non Ideal Conditions, published in Electric Power Research Journal, Vol. 11, No.1, and pp. 1-12.

Discussions Published in Research Journals

Chandramouli, A., Kalra, P.K., (Aug, 1994) et al, Discussion on “Optimal Selection of Capacitor for Radial Distribution System Using Genetic Algorithm”, by Sundhararajan, S and Pahwa, Anil, IEEE Trans. on Power System, pp.1499-1507.

Srivastava, K.N., Srivastava, S.C., and Kalra, P.K., (May, 1994) Discussion on paper no.93-SM-535-5-PWRS,” pp.906-917

Kalra, P.K., and Srivastava S.C., (March, 1994) Discussion on “Distribution Systems Harmonics Worst Case Design Using Genetic Algorithm”, by Lansberry, J.E., Woznaik, L., IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, pp. 179-185

Kalra, P.K., (1994)  “Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Short Term Load Forecasting” Journal’s 94 (West Bengal state Electricity Board Engineers Association) pp.52-65

Srivastava K.N., Srivastava S.C., and Kalra, P.K., (Aug, 1993) Discussion on paper no. 92-SM-395-5-PWRS, “ A Method for Calculation of Margins to Voltage Instability Applied on Norwegians System for Maintaining Required Security Level”, IEEE Trans., PWRS, pp.920-928.

Kalra, P.K., and Srivastava S.C., (Aug, 1993) Discussion on “Artificial Intelligence in Electric Power Systems: A Survey of the Japanese Industry” IEEE Trans. Power System, pp.1211-1218 by Saifur Rahman.

Kalra, P.K., and Srivastava S.C., (Aug, 1993) Discussion on “Multicontingency Preprocessing for Security Assessment Using Physical Concepts and CQR with Classification” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, pp. 840-848 by Chen R.H. et al.

Singh S.N., Kalra, P.K., Srivastava S.C., (July, 1993) “Discussion to Paper Control by Use of Controllable Series Components”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol.8, No.3, pp.1420-1429. By M.Norooziaan and G.Anderson.

Kalra, P.K., and Srivastava S.C., (July, 1993) Discussion on “Fuzzy Information Approach to Integrating Transformer Diagnostic Methods”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, pp.1638-1646 by K. Tomsavic et al.

Kalra, P.K., and Srivastava, S.C., (June, 1993) Discussion on “Implementation and Laboratory Test Results for Fuzzy Logic Based Self Turned Power System Stabilizer” IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, pp.221-228 by Chen R.H. et al.

Srivastava, S.C and Kalra, P.K., (Nov, 90) “Discussion on “Development of a Smart Algorithm for Voltage Monitoring and Control,” by M. Illic et al, IEEE Transaction PWRS – 5, Page No. 1183-1193.

Kanetkar, V.K., Reddy P.K.V., Kalra, P.K., Dubey G.K., (1990) Discussion System, “Suspension of Converter Introduced Harmonic Currents Using Forced Commutated Cycloconverters”, by Madam Gopal, S., and Cathey, J.J., WINTER Meeting.

Conference with Proceedings     

Singh, Deepak Kumar; Shekhar, Rajiv; Kalra, Prem K “Optimal load shedding: An economic approach”,TENCON 2010-2010 IEEE Region 10 Conference IEEE , PP 636-639,2010

Tripathi, BK; Kalra, PK “Functional mapping with complex higher order compensatory neuron model “Neural Networks (IJCNN), The 2010 International Joint Conference, pp.1-8 , IEEE, 2010

Yadav, Sandeep Kumar; Kalra, Prem Kumar “Automatic Fault Diagnosis of Internal Combustion Engine Based on Spectrogram and Artificial Neural Network”, Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS international conference on Robotics, control and manufacturing technology, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS),pp. 101-107, 2010.

Shiblee, Mohammad; Chandra, B; Kalra, Prem K “Generalized Power Mean Neuron Model”, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2010. WKDD'10, pp.276-279, IEEE, 2010

Singh, Archana; Kalra, PK; Chauhan, DS “New approach of procurement market model for reactive power in deregulated electricity market”, Power Systems, 2009. ICPS'09. International Conference, pp.1-6, IEEE, 2009

Sankar Nidadavolu, SVP; Yadav, Sandeep Kumar; Kalra, Prem Kumar “Condition monitoring of Internal Combustion engines using empirical mode decomposition and Morlet wavelet”, Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2009. ISPA 2009.pp.65-72, IEEE, 2009

Yadav, Sandeep Kumar; Kalra, Prem Kumar “Fault diagnosis of internal combustion engine using Empirical Mode Decomposition”, Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2009. ISPA 2009, pp.40-46, IEEE, 2009

Mohanalin, J; Kalra, Prem Kumar; Kumar, Nirmal “Tsallis Entropy based Contrast Enhancement of Microcalcifications”, Signal Acquisition and Processing, 2009. ICSAP 2009, pp. 3-7, IEEE  , 2009

Kalra, PK; Kumar, N “Enhancement of microcalcifications in mammograms using Gaussian Membership function based on Tsallis entropy ”, Advance Computing Conference, 2009. IACC 2009,pp. 687-690, IEEE, 2009

Mohanalin, J; Kalra, PK; Kumar, Nirmal “Extraction of micro calcification using non extensive property of mammograms ”, Advance Computing Conference, 2009, pp. 636-641, IEEE, 2009

Mohanalin, J; Kalra, PK; Kumar, Nirmal “fuzzy based Micro calcification segmentation”, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008. ICECE 2008,pp 49-52, IEEE, 2008

Dwivedi, A; Srivastava, R; Kalra, PK; Singh, YN “Critical issues related to performance evaluation of optical networks”, TENCON 2008-2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference,pp.1-4, IEEE,2008

Dwivedi, A; Srivastava, R; Kalra, PK; Singh, YN” Simplified neural network architecture for shortest path planning in optical network”, TENCON 2008-2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, pp. 1-4, IEEE,2008

Bichpuriya, Yogesh Kumar; Saxena, Ajay Kumar; Kalra, Prem Kumar “Provision for reactive power market in the reactive power control groups”, TENCON 2008-2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, pp.1-4, IEEE, 2008

Tolambiya, Arvind; Kalra, Prem K “Contrast sensitive epsilon-SVR and its application in image compression  “Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2008,pp.359-364,IEEE, 2008

Shiblee, Mohd; Chandra, B; Kalra, Prem K “Learning of new neuron model based on geometric mean with new error metrics”, Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2008. SMC 2008. IEEE International Conference on,pp. 1122-1127, IEEE, 2008

Singh, Meenakshi; Singh, Deepak Kumar; Kalra, Prem K “Fingerprint separation: an application of ICA”, Proc. SPIE,Vol. 6982, pp. 69820L, 2008

Arvind Tolambiya and Prem K. Kalra, "WSVM with Morlet Wavelet Kernel for Image Compression," in Proceedings of IEEE-SoSE-07 (International Conference on System of Systems Engineering), 16 -18 Apr,2007 San Antonio, USA.

Meenakshi Singh, Deepak Kumar Singh and Prem K. Kalra, "Multilayer Generalized Mean Neuron Model for Blind Source Separation," IEEE-ISIC-07 (International Symposium on Intelligent Control), 1-3 Oct, 2007, Singapore.

S. K.Yadav, V.Singh, N.K.Singh and Prem K. Kalra, “Color Image Compression Using Block-Based Independent Component Analysis,” ISPA-07(International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis) 27-29 Sep, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. 

D. Ashutosh, N Subhash Chandra Bose, Prabhanjan Kandula, Prem K Kalra, “A neural    and interpolation method for wavelet transform based image compression”, IEEE TENCON 2007 (Oct. 30 – Nov. 2  2007), pp. 1-4, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.

Ashutosh Dwivedi, N Subhash Chandra Bose, Prabhanjan Kandula, Prem K Kalra,       “Modified FOCPN for Improved Color Quantization by Entropy based Sub-Clustering”, International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN07, 12 – August 2007), pp. 1865 – 1870, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Ashutosh Dwivedi, Arvind Tolambiya , Prabhanjan Kandula ,N. Subhash Chandra Bose, Ashiwani Kumar, P K Kalra "Color Image Compression Using 2-Dimesional Principal Component Analysis (2DPCA)", The 9th Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID), October 8 to 12, 2006 New Delhi, India

Ashutosh Dwivedi, N. Subhash Chandra Bose, Ashiwani Kumar, Prabhanjan Kandula, Deepak Mishra, P K Kalra, "A Novel Hybrid Image Compression Technique: Wavelet-MFOCPN", The 9th Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID), October 8 to 12, 2006 New Delhi, India.

Deepak Kumar Singh, Shipra Tripathi, P K Kalra, "Separation of Image Mixture using Complex ICA", The 9th Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID), October 8 to 12, 2006 New Delhi, India.

Deepak Mishra, N. Subhash, A. Dwivedi, A. Tolambiya, A. Kumar, P. Kandula, Prem K. Kalra, “Color Image Compression with Modified Forward Only Counter Propagation Neural Network: Improvement of the Quality Using Different Distance Measures'', The 9th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, ICIT’06 (India)

Deepak Mishra, Amit Shukla, Prem K. Kalra, “Stability Analysis for Higher Order Complex-Valued Hopfield Neural Network", The 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP’06 (Hong Kong).

Arvind Tolambiya, Deepak Mishra, Ashutosh Dwivedi, and Prem K. Kalra, "A Novel Neural Network Approach to Generate Orthogonal Wavelet Coefficients", Proceeding of  workshop on Computational Intelligence, Leeds, UK, September 2006 (UKCI'06).

Mishra, D., Yadav, A, Ray, S., and Kalra, P.K., “A Neural Network Using Single Multiplicative Spiking Neuron for Function Approximation and Classification", IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network, IJCNN-2006, Vancouver (Canada), (2006).

Mishra, D, Yadav, A, and Kalra, P.K., “Learning with Single Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire Neuron”, ISNN 2006, LNCS 3971, Page(s): 424–429, 2006.

Yadav, A., Mishra, D., Ray, S., Yadav, R.N. and Kalra, P.K., “Learning with   Single Integrate-and-Fire Neuron”, Neural Networks, 2005. IJCNN '05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on Volume 4, 31 July-4 August. 2005 Page(s):2156 – 2161.

Mishra, D, Yadav, A, Ray, S. and Kalra, P.K., “Effects of Noise on the          Dynamics of Biological Neuron Models”, Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Workshop WSTST05, Muroran (Japan), Page(s): 61 - 69, 2005.

Mishra, D, Yadav, A, Ray, S. and Kalra, P.K., “Nonlinear Dynamical Analysis on Coupled Modified FitzHugh-Nagumo Neuron Model”, ISNN 2005, LNCS 3496, Page(s): 95 – 101, 2005.

Mishra D, A. Yadav, S. Ray, P. K. Kalra, Bifurcation analysis in modified Fitzhugh Nagumo neuronal model, National Conference on Control and Dynamical Systems, Bombay, (2005).

Yadav, D. Mishra, S. Ray, R.N. Yadav and P. K. Kalra, “Representation of Complex-Valued Neural Networks: A Real Valued Approach”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, pp.331-335, Jan. 4-7, (2005).

R. N. Yadav, Nimit Kumar, Prem K. Kalra and Joseph John, ”Multilayer Feed-forward neural network using generalised mean neuron” “Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Society, Japan., (2004).

K. V. Arya, P. Gupta and Prem K. Kalra, “A Cost Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Histogram Image Matching”, Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2004, Chiang Mai-Thiland. (2004).

Mishra D, A. Yadav, and P. K. Kalra, Chaotic Behaviour in Neural Networks and FitzHugh- Nagumo Neuronal Model, ICONIP 2004 , pp. 868-873 (2004).

Mishra D, A. Yadav, S. Ray,and P. K. Kalra, Nonlinear dynamical analysis of single neuron models and study of chaos in brain, International Conference on Cognitive Science, Allahabad, pp 188 - 193 (2004).

Mishra D, A. Yadav, S. Ray and P. K. Kalra, The effect of synaptic bombardment in dynamics of biological neuron models, International Conference on Cognitive Science, Allahabad, pp 200 - 205 (2004).

Mishra D, A. Yadav, S. Ray, P. K. Kalra, Chaos in firing rate recurrent neural network models, International Computer Engineering Conference, Egypt (accepted) (2004).

Mishra D, A. Yadav, S. Ray, P. K. Kalra,Some aspects of the dynamical analysis of integrate and fire neuron model and synaptic interaction, National Conference on Recent Advances in Power, Signal Processing and Control, Rourkela, pp. 174-179 (2004).

Ray S, D. Mishra, A. Yadav, P. K. Kalra, Propagation of action potential and concept of ephaptic interaction in axon, International Conference on Cognitive Science, Allahabad, pp 182 - 187 (2004).

Yadav A, D. Mishra, S. Ray, P. K. Kalra, “Fuzzy differential equation based neuron models and their numerical solutions using genetic algorithm”, International Conference on Cognitive Science, Allahabad, pp 44 - 49 (2004).

Saravana Kumar G., Kalra P. K. and Dhande S. G., Parameter Estimation for B-spline Curve Fitting using Neural Networks, 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Singapore, December 15-18, 2003.

Saravana Kumar G., Kalra P. K. and Dhande S. G., Hybridization of GA, ANN and Classical Optimization for B-spline curve fitting, 3rd International Conference Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Melbourne, Australia, December 14-17, 2003.

Saravana Kumar G., Kalra P. K. and Dhande S. G., Parameter Optimization for B-spline Fitting using Genetic Algorithms, 2003 Congress of Evolutionary Computation, Canberra, Australia, December 8-12, 2003.

Saravana Kumar G., Kalra P. K. and Dhande S. G., Direct Layered Manufacturing of Point Sampled Geometry, 1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leiria, Portugal, October 1-4, 2003.

R. N. Yadav, V. Singh and P. K. Kalra, “Classification using single neuron”, Proceedings of Ist IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2003, Bunffe Canada, pp.124-129, 21-24 Aug. (2003).

Nimit Kumar, R. N. Yadav and P. K. Kalra, “On Single Neuron Models and Capacity of the Single Neuron”, Proceedings of International Symposium, Dec. 15-17, 2003, NBRC, Manesar, India. (2003).

Parameter Estimation for B-spline Curve Fitting using Neural Networks, 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Singapore, December 15-18, 2003.

Hybridization of ANN, GA and Classical Optimization for B-spline curve fitting, 3rd International Conference Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Melbourne, Australia, December 14-17, 2003.

Parameter Optimization for B-spline Fitting using Genetic Algorithms, 2003 Congress of Evolutionary Computation, Canberra, Australia, December 8-12, 2003.

Direct Layered Manufacturing of Point Sampled Geometry, 1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leiria, Portugal, October 1-4, 2003.

Curve and surface reconstruction from points: an approach based on Self-Organizing Maps, NUM 3D - The 8th international rendez-vous for 3d digitisation and modelling professionals, Paris, April 23-24, 2003.

Chaturvedi DK, Malik OP & Kalra PK, (2003), A Generalized Neuron based multi-Machine Power System Stabilizer, Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems Appliocation to Power Systems (ISAP) 2003, Lemnos, Greece, 22nd - 25th June 2003.

Chaturvedi DK, Malik OP & Kalra PK, (2002), Power system Stabilizer using Generalized Neural Network, Proceedings of 34th North American Power Symposium (NAPS - 2002), Arizona, USA, Oct. 14-16, 2002, pp. 320-327.

Chaturvedi, D.K., S.K.Gaur, D.S.Mishra & P.K. Kalra, (1999), Load Frequency Control: An Integrated Approach, Int. Conf. On Artificial Intelligence (ICAI’99), Durban, South Africa,24-26 Sept. 1999.

Chaturvedi, D.K, Gaur S.K., Mishra, D.S., & Kalra, P.K., (1999), Generalised Neural Networks with Genetic Algorithm Based Learning, Int. Conf. On Modelling, Simulation and Communication (CMSC’99), Jaipur. pp. Abstract - 108, Jaipur, India, Dec. 1-3.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Satsangi, P.S., Kalra, P.K., (1998), Load Frequency Control of Power System Using Generalized Neural Network, Int. Conf. On Energy Management and Power Drives, Singapore.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Satsangi P.S., and Kalra, P.K., (July 6 -8, 1998), Fuzzy Simulator: A Tool for Modelling and Simulation, Int. Conf. on Contribution of Cognition to Modelling (CCM ‘98), Lyon, Villeurbanne, France.

Prince Emmanuel, Susan Hammilton, Prem K. Kalra, Murari Kejariwal, and Victor Gerez, (March 1-4 1998), A Step towards Generalised steady-state Solution of AC Voltage Control: special Reference for Development of Problem-solving Domain, paper presented in IASTED Conference on High Tech in Power at Phoenix, USA.

Raisinghani S.C., Ghosh A.K., and Kalra, P.K., (Jan. 16-17, 1998), Artificial Lateral - Directional Parameter Estimation Via Neural Network, Proc. of 49th AGM, The Aeronautical Society of India pp.6.1-6.7

Chaturvedi, D.K., Satsangi, P.S., Kalra, P.K., (Dec. 12-13, 1997), Load Forecasting using Flexible New Neuron Models, Int. Conf. On Power Generation, System Planning and Operation, in I.I.T. Delhi, India, pp. 148-155.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Vishal Kumar, Satsangi, P.S. and Kalra, P.K., (Sept. 8-11, 1997), Application of Fuzzy Logic in Modelling and Simulation of Rotating Electrical Machines, Int. Conf. On Computer Application in Electrical Engineering, Roorkee, India, pp. 151-156.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Satsangi P.S., and Kalra. P.K., (Sept. 8-11, 1997), Application of Fuzzy Logic in Modelling and Simulation of Rotating, presented in International Conference in Computer Application in Electrical Engg. Held at Roorkee.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Vishal Kumar, Satsangi, P.S. and Kalra, P.K., (May 26-29, 1997), Electrical Machines Modelling New Neuron Models of Backprop, Second International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS ‘ 97, Singapore.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Vishal Kumar, Satsangi, P.S. and Kalra, P.K., (May 23-27, 1997), Development of Fuzzy Simulator For Modelling and Simulation of Power Systems Components, Int. Power Engineering Conference, Singapore.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Vishal Kumar, Satsangi, P.S. and Kalra, P.K., (May 23-27, 1997), Development of Back- propagation with New Models of Neurons and its Applications to Power Systems Modelling, Int. Power Engineering Conference, Singapore.

Kanetkar V.R., Dawande M.S., Kalra P.K., (May 26-29, 1997), Performance or Artificial Commutated Converter, accepted for publication and presentation for PEDS’97 to be held at Singapore.

Chaturvedi, D.K., Satsangi P.S., Kalra P.K., (Jan. 16-18, 1997), DC Machine Modelling using Fuzzy Logic presented in National Conference on Electric Drives & Control for Transport Systems held at Vidisha (India).

D.K.Chaturvedi, P.S.Satsangi and Kalra P.K., (Dec. 18-20, 1996), Effect of Different Mappings and Normalisation on Neural Network Models for Load Forecasting, presented a published in Ninth NPSC’96 held at IIT Kanpur, pp-337-386.

P.K.Kalra And Vinay Kumar (Aug. 5-8, 1996), Estimation of Area Under Crop Using Neural Networks, published in Proceedings of National Seminar on Computer Science Held at Banasathali, Rajasthan.

Ghosh R.K., Kalra P.K., (Dec. 1994) Computer Base Parallel Programming Environment for Genetic Computing Second Meeting ITUG, Hyderabad, pp 65-73.

D.M.Vinod Kumar, Srivastava S.C., Kalra P.K., Gurunandan. (Dec. 1994) Novel Fast Decoupled State Estimation Using Orthogonal Transformation, presented in NPSC-94, held at IIT Delhi, 479-483.

Joshi S.K., & Kalra P.K. (Dec. 24-26, 1993), Synergism for an Intelligent Systems, presented in National Systems Conference NSC-93, held at IIT Kanpur, pp 358-364.

Saini R., Kalra P.K. et al (Dec. 24-26, 1993), Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Charge Mix Control in Electric Steel Melting, presented at IIT Kanpur, pp 510-513.

K.N.Srivasatva, S.C.Srivastava, and P.K.Kalra (Dec. 7-10, 1993), Chaotic oscillations in Power Systems under Disturbances, Proc. IEE Int. Conf. On Advances in Power System Control, Operation & Management APSCOM’93 Hong-Kong.

Singh S.N., Srivasatva. S.C., and Kalra P.K., Rao, M.V., (Dec. 7-10, 1993), Voltage and Reactive Power Distribution Factors for Line, Transformer and Generator Outage Studies, IEE Sponsored International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation & Management APSCOM’93 Hong-Kong, pp 794-800.

Joshi S.K., Srivastava S.C., and Kalra P.K., (October 29-30, 1993), Optimal Power Flow - State of Art, Proc. All India Seminars on Grid Stability & Energy Management, Gridsafe’93, Institution of Engineers (India), Nagpur (India).

Singh, S.N., Chandramouli, A., Kalra, P.K., and Srivastava, S.C., D.K. (October 29-30, 1993) “Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithms, Proc. IEEE Sponsored Third Int. Symposium of Electricity Distribution and Energy Management (ISEDEm’93), Singapore, pp 484-489.

K.N.Srivasatva. S.C.Srivastava, and P.K.Kalra (Oct.27-29, 1993) “Voltage Instability in Power Systems - An Overview and Key Issue” Proc. Third International Symposium on ‘Electricity Distribution & Operation Management ‘, Singapore.

Chandramouli, A., Ghosh, Kalra, P.K., and Srivastava, S.C., (October 14-16, 1993) “Genetic Algorithms to Electric Power Systems” presented in Sixth ISCA Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems. pp 484-489.

S.K.Joshi, P.K.Kalra, S.C.Srivastava and R.K.Ghosh, (Sept 28-Oct.1, 1993) “Parameter Selection of Controller Using Genetic algorithm”, Proc. Int. Conf. On Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT’93) Santa Clara, USA.

Sukhram Pal, J.L.Balra, P.K.Kalra. (Aug. 16-20, 1993) “Expert System for FMS scheduling, to be Presented in International Conference on Production Research, Lappeentanta, Finland.

D.M.Vinod Kumar, P.K.Kalra and S.C.Srivasatva, (March 18-19, 1993) “Neural Network Application to power Systems: State of the Art” to be presented at National Conference on Neural Network held in Madras.

D.M.Vinod Kumar, P.K.Kalra and S.C.Srivasatva, (February 1993) “Neural Net for Calculation for LOLP” presented in NSC Madras.

S.D.Chowdhury, P.K.Kalra, S.C.Srivastava and S.K.Joshi, (Jan 4-8, 1993) “Short Term Electric Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network”, Fourth International Symposium on Expert System application to Power System’ Melbourn, Australia.

P.K.Kalra, S.C.Srivastava, Nishes Kumar, R. Wangneo and D.M.Vinod Kumar”, (Jan 4-8, 1993) “Artificial Neural Network Based Load Flow Model”, Fourth International Symposium on ‘Expert System Applications to Power System’, Melbourne, Australia.

R.K.Gupta, K.N.Srivasatva, S.C.Srivastava, and P.K.Kalra, (Dec. 19-22, 1992) “Fast Prediction of Radial Volatge Stability Margin and Control actions” Seventh National Power System Conference. Calcutta (India).

K.N.Srivasatva, P.K.Kalra, and S.C.Srivastava, (Dec. 19-22, 1992) “Dynamical Non Linear Behaviour of Power System Exhibiting Chaos” Seventh National Power System Conference. Calcutta (India).

Arora, R., Kalra, P.K., and Srivastava, R.K. (June 7-10, 1992) “An Investigation of Electro-magnetic Interface caused by Different types of Coronas in air”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A.

P.K.Kalra, and S.C.Srivastava, (Dec. 1991) “Synergism of Expert system and Artificial Neural Net for Power System Application” National System Conference. Roorkee (India).

S.C.Srivasatva, P.K.Kalra, Ranjan Basu and M.Agrawal (Nov. 5-8, 1991) “Voltage Collapse Phenomenon”, International Conf. On “Advances in Power System Control Operation & Management” organized by IEE Hong Kong.

C.V.Dhawands, P.K.Kalra and S.C.Srivasatva, (Sept 23-25, 1991) “An Expert System Based Optimal Control of Xenon Poisoning and Spatial Oscillation in a Nuclear Reactor”, Third IFCA Internatioanl Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Control. California (U.S.A)

Padiyar K.R., Sachchidanand, Kalra, P, K, Reddy, P.V.K., (Sept, 9-11, 1991) “NFRA-structure for Research and Manpower Training at IIT Kanpur” International Colloquium On HVDC Transmission, New Delhi (India).

Nishes Kumar, R.Wangnew, P.K.Kalra and S.C.Srivasatva, (28-30 Aug. 1991) Application of Neural Networks to Load Flow Solutions” in TENCON’91 organized by IEEE Delhi Section, New Delhi (India).

M.K.Rewatkar, J.Chakraborty, P.K.Kalra and S.C.Srivasatva, (28-30 Aug. 1991) “A Fast Algorithm for Alleviation of Voltage Insecurity” in TENCON’91 organized by IEEE Delhi Section, New Delhi (India).

Baranwal, R.K.Singh, L.P., Kalra, P.K., (1991) Walsh Transform Based Digital Protection of Power Transformation IEEE Conference in Bangalore pp 62-64.

Kalra, P.K. & Batra, J.L., (December, 1990) “Management of Flexible Manufacturing: An Expert System Approach”, Indian Engineering Congress at IIT Kanpur.

Nadipuram R., Prasad, Satish R. Rande, Eric Dietrich, Roget T. Hartley, Prem Kalra, A Speculative Framework for the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Large Scale Interconnected Power system, ibid pp 17-20-17-27.

Singh A., Emmanuel P., Kalra P.K., A point of View of Development of Knowledge based Systems for Load Forecasting, ibid pp 7-1, 7-4.

Emmanuel, P., and Kalra, P.K. (August 22-26, 1988), Requirements for the Development of an Expert System for HVDC Controls, published in Symposium on “Expert System application in Power System” held in Sweden, pp 6-22, 6-25.

Kejriwal, M., Kalra, P.K. and Gerez, V., (1987), Integration of Power and Industrial Electronics in Electrical Engineering Curricula, presented in IEEE Miami TECHNICAL ‘87.

Kalra, P.K. (1986), On Development of Expert Systems for HVDC Controls, published in proceedings of 2nd Conference on for Engineering Problems, held in Sweden, England Edited by Prof. D.Sriram and others.

Kalra, P.K. (1986), Some New Parameters for Signal Processing, published in IEEE Conference on Antennas and Communication, Montreal.

Kalra, P.K. and Padiayar, K.R. (1986), Analytical Expression for Twelve-pulse HVDC Converter Fed through Common Source Impedance, presented in IECON Industry Application Conference, USA.

Kalra, P.K. et al (1986), Power Factor Control for Weak HVDC Systems, published in IEEE Conference (MONTECH) in Montreal.

Kalra, P.K. et al (1986), AC Voltage Control for Weak HVDC Systems, published in Proc. of Control and Simulation Conference (IFCA) in Vienna.

Kalra, P.K. et al (1986), Steady-State Analysis of TCR under Non Ideal Conditions, published in proceedings of IEEE Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission in London.

Kalra, P.K. et al (1986), Steady-State Analysis of Twelve-pulse Hybrid Converter, presented at Midwest Symposium, Kentucky, USA.

Tutorials and Invited Papers

P.K.Kalra, (Dec 16-18, 1996) “Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic and their Application for Engineering & Management Problems” given at International Conference on Cognitive Systems at Delhi.

P.K.Kalra, (Dec 14-18, 1994) “Neural Network Application to Load Forecasting” at National Power systems Conference at IIT Delhi.

P.K.Kalra, D.M.Vinod Kumar (March 18-19, 1993) “Paradigms f Neural Net for Power System, presented in National Conference on Neural Networks, Madras.

P.K.Kalra, (August, 1996) “A Way of building Expert System for Power System for Monitoring and Control” (INVITED PAPER) for ISATED Conference at Montana, USA.

Conference without Proceedings

P. K. Kalra., N. K. Sharma. (1996), “Virtual Class Room-Some technological and Human Consideration”, presented in International Conference in Delhi on Cognition Systems, Dec. 14-16.

M. Hares, B. Deo, and P.K. Kalra., (Jan. 28-29, 1993) “Neural Nets to Aid of Steel making Industry”, presented in Workshop on Energy Management in Mini steel Mills, Delhi.

Dayal Sharma & P. K. Kalra., (30 April-2 May, 1992) “Computer Aided Instruction Student-Teacher Modelling” presented at System Modelling Design and Simulation Workshop at D.E.I. Dayalbagh, Agra.

P. K. Kalra, J.L. Batra and S. C. Srivastava., (Feb 21-23, 1991) “Possible Union of Neural Nets and Expert System”, National Seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Industrial Engineering Management’, Dayalbagh, Agra.

Articles Related to the Indian power sector

Preparedness of Electricity Boards for privatization

Benchmarking of Distribution Systems

Mechanism of maintaining Power Quality

Integrated Resource Planning

Transmission Tariff Structure

Consumer Training for the Performance Standardization of Electrical Consumer Goods

Tutorials Offered – 5

Short Courses for Training – 5

Signal Processing applications in Music

Coordinator(2002) Power Sector Reforms Technical and Financial

Coordinator(2000) Power Sector Restructuring Conference Cum Workshop

Co-ordinator(1997)Reliability Availability and Maintainability SERC(DST) Winter school cum Workshops

Co-Coordinator, (1995) National workshop on Globalization of Indian Economy: Impact on Current Industrial Scenario.

Co-Coordinator, (1995) Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp.

Convener, (1993) National Systems Conference (NSC’93).

Co-Coordinator, (October 12-16 1992) National HVDC Workshop.

Organized IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies in Power Systems and Applications Dec.12-14, 1989.

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Prof. C Patvardhan
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)
Educational QualificationB. Sc. (Engg.) (Mechanical Engg.), M. E. (Com. Sc.), Ph.D.
Area of SpecializationSoft Computing, Quantum Computing and Image Processing
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 Sh. Hans Kumar Khanna
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Examination Section

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Accounts Section

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Director’s Office

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