The Role of DEI Education Policy, DEI Administration, DEI NSS Coordinator and DEI Staff in the continuing dedication to the Lofty Ideals of NSS
The DEI Education Policy, 1975
The DEI Education Policy was conceived, planned, formulated, crystallized and executed by the Supreme Teacher and Founder Director of Dayalbagh Educational Institute in the year 1975. The Government of India promulgated its National Education Policy in 1986. A comparison between the two reveal various common aspects implying the Education Policy of DEI anticipated eleven years earlier those aspects beneficial to the country which were incorporated in the National policy of Education later in 1986.
- To bring about physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical integration of an individual with a view to evolving a complete man who possesses the basic values of humanism, secularism and democracy and who is capable of giving a fuller response to social and environmental challenges.
- To inculcate in an individual a spirit of truthfulness, temperance and courage and to cultivate a spirit of humility, simple living, selfless service and sacrifice.
- To develop the faculties of thinking, analysis and reason and a habit of learning, in an individual, in order to enable him to realize his maximum potential; to increase his general awareness and knowledge and to impart education of excellence as well as of relevance to contemporary needs.
- To develop and promote a scientific temper and to train a person in practical science and technology to make him better suited to the increasingly technologically oriented environment; to create willingness and a capacity to work with one's hands, which would promote a respect for 'soiled hands' and the dignity of labour and a spirit of self-reliance.
- To provide a background of humanities and social sciences as essential to retaining a human touch and to mellow down the harshness of a mechanical world; to promote the study of classics and develop pride in national culture and heritage, so that one may not lose one's moorings.
- To prepare an individual for calling suited to his aptitudes and skills and the needs of the society.
- To promote understanding of various beliefs and faiths and thus to foster an attitude of tolerance and a sense of national unity; to create the spirit of 'Brotherhood of Man' and to promote the establishment of a classless and casteless society.
- To make the rural and urban students fully aware of and interested in the problems of one another; to foster a fuller understanding of the rural life in a society in transition which is necessary for appreciating properly the polity and the economy of our country and of the social forces at work.
- To generate consciousness of democratic values and freedoms which a citizen of India should be prepared to defend; to promote respect for the rights of others and an awareness of one's duties and obligations to the society; to enable students to build a strong character and attain high ethical standards.
Thus DEI Education Policy evolves a ‘Complete Person’, a well-rounded total quality person, whose hallmarks are intellectual strength, scientific temper, emotional maturity, truthfulness, high moral character, simple living, dedication to duty and discharge of obligations, inter-disciplinary outlook, good general knowledge, sound aptitude and understanding of the society.
Right from the inception of the university NSS is an integral component of its value –oriented education system which is in mutual synergism with its environment.
Therefore, the administration is very much concerned and extends its utmost encouragement and cooperation to NSS Activities in every possible manner. The Director is extremely cooperative and extends his full support in terms of infrastructure and providing the required staff members. The NSS Coordinator is quite encouraging and ever ready to extent his full cooperation to the NSS programme officers. In most events Prof. Pravin Saxena the NSS Coordinator makes it a point to help the Programme officer with his presence. The staff members are also have the right spirit of service and therefore are more than willing to volunteer in all the NSS activities which are undertaken. Thus the administration generously assigns the required staff and infrastructure for the undertaken programmes under NSS. Thus, the environment of DEI is highly conducive for the pursuit of policy objectives of the Institute.