Department of Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural Engineering is one of the sub-fields of engineering. In simpler words, it is a fusion of agriculture and technology. India is an agro-based country which explains why the agricultural sector and its allied industries are so high in demand. This demand has led to the development of agricultural engineering courses where students learn about the Indian agricultural system and its encounter with technology. The growth prospects in the agricultural sector have increased the appeal of this course.

Agriculture in Dayalbagh was started by the founder of erstwhile Engineering College as a daily voluntary selfless service rendered by local and visiting members of the Dayalbagh community and forms an important interface between DEI and Dayalbagh. Thus a ready platform is available for community outreach and R&D activities with its technical, social, economic, and environmental relevance and local needs.

AICTE has given approval to the Faculty of Engineering, D.E.I., to start B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering from the 2020-21 session. Since then, Agricultural Engineering has become one of the constituent departments in the Faculty of Engineering.

Vision of the Department

The vision of the Department is to be one of the most important drivers in imparting education as a change agent for India’s, and the world’s, agricultural, environmental, energy, dairy and food processing system on one hand and provide inclusive solutions based on local constraints in these domains with sigma 6QVA conceptualization for better worldliness.

Mission of the Department

In D.E.I. the program is designed to produce agricultural engineers with enough knowledge of farm machinery, irrigation, food processing, dairy technology, renewable energy, etc. to play a vital role in anticipating and solving future challenges with advancements in big data, machine learning, additive manufacturing, and skilling.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
  1. To offer students a thorough understanding of the scientific and agricultural engineering fundamentals so that they can pursue higher education while also solving engineering and farming-related challenges.

  2. To offer students experience for organizing and carrying out projects and experiments in contemporary engineering labs, including experiments using environmentally friendly technologies and computer-based simulations, integrating the importance of experimental data, and accurately presenting the results.

  3. To provide guidance and education in agricultural water management, agricultural production methods, farm equipment, and farm management to students.

  4. To familiarize the students with the most recent and up-to-date professional knowledge in the field of agricultural engineering, as well as the managerial and ethical principles needed for new technologies and the global economy, and to cultivate other abilities necessary for making them into competent professionals.

  5. Preparing students for successful careers in business, science, and technology transfer organizations, as well as preparing them to take on issues at the national and worldwide levels.

Copyright @ Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)